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Food, catering and hospitality
Expo Professionnelle


  • from 2/25/2024 to 2/27/2024

  • Sunday 25th to Tuesday 27th February 2024 – From 9 am to 7 pm

  • On website : 15€ from 16th October to 3rd January 35€ from 4th January to 27th February Free with an invitation card On the show : 50 € per person

  • Paris Expo Porte de Versailles

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The 18e session of the Cheese and Dairy Products Show will be held from Sunday 25th to Tuesday 27th February, 2024 in Paris Expo Porte de Versailles (France).

Exclusively professional, this international meeting of high-quality cheeses and dairy products will bring together 290 exhibitors (producers, manufacturers of equipment for trade, services...) and 8,000 buyers (cheesemongers, wholesalers, catering, etc.) from around the world in a business and friendly environment. In addition to the extensive offer of cheeses, dairy products and equipment, many events will be organised such as Lyre d’Or Competition, unusual pairings, conferences…


How to get there?

    • Car
  • As part of its CSR approach, Viparis encourages sustainable mobility.

    The following public transport services serve Paris Expo Porte de Versailles:


    Line 12, Porte de Versailles station - exit 1 to access Pavilions 2 to 7 & exit 2 to access Pavilion 1


    T2 and T3a, Porte de Versailles - Parc des Expositions station


    Line 80, Porte de Versailles - Parc des Expositions station and line 39, Desnouettes station


    Vélib' station on avenue Ernest Renan

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