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Arts, culture, performances and music


  • from 11/26/2022 to 11/26/2022

  • 20:30

  • Palais des Congrès d'Issy

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2 nominations for Molières 2022 / Molière of private theater

Freely inspired by the life of T. E. Lawrence

Composition and live music: Julien Gonzales, Raphaël Maillet or Marie-Anne Favreau, Cecilia Meltzer

Authors Éric Bouvron and Benjamin Penamaria

Director: Éric Bouvron Costumes: Nadège Bulfay

Distribution: Kevin Garnichat, Alexandre Blazy, Lights: Edwin Garnier or Benjamin Penamaria, Matias Chebel, Stefan Godin, Slimane Kacioui, Yoann Parize, Julien Saada, Ludovic Thievon

Assistant director: Jeremy Coffman

World War I rages. In the Arabian desert, at the time controlled by the Ottoman Empire, an ally of Germany, the future of the entire Middle East is at stake. Thomas Edward Lawrence, passionate about Arab culture, whose language and local dialects he masters, gains the trust of the Arabs, who now consider him one of their own.

The success of the operation to sabotage the Hejaz railway, led by the tribes and commanded by Lawrence, reassures the Arab leaders about the British commitment to the cause that the West itself has suggested to them: that of the creation of a united and independent Arab nation. But what Lawrence does not know is that the French and British governments have already secretly signed the Sykes-Picot agreement, which provides, once the war is won, for the carving up of the region for their sole benefit...

How far will Lawrence's loyalty to his brothers-in-arms go when he measures the extent of the orchestrated lie?


Numbered seating

Full Price:  52€

Issue-based Price: 38€

Reduced Price*: 32€

Fee for 13-25 years old: 26€

Child Price: 20€

* Large family - PMR - +65 years old - Job seekers

How to get there?

    • Car
  • As part of its CSR approach , Viparis wishes to promote sustainable mobility.

    On this page, you will find the public transport we recommend you use to access the Palais des Congrès d'Issy:

    • METRO

      Line 12, Mairie d'Issy stop - exit 1

    • RER

      Line C, Issy ville station


      T2 line, Issy-Val de Seine station

    • BUS

      Lines 123, 169, 190, 290, 323 

    • VELO

      Vélib' station on Avenue Victor Cresson

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